Source code for parker.progressions

from .chords import Chord
from .constants import PROG_LOOKUP
from .constants import PROG_MATCHER
from .constants import SIGN_FLAT
from .constants import SIGN_SHARP
from .notes import Note
from .scales import Major

def is_valid_progression(note):
    Determine if a progression is valid from a given string representation.
    m = PROG_MATCHER.match(note)
    if m is not None:
        return True
    return False

[docs]class Progression(object): """ Reference: """ def __init__(self, root, scale_cls=Major): self.root = Note(root) self.scale_cls = scale_cls self.scale = scale_cls(self.root) def __str__(self): return str(self.root) def __repr__(self): if self.scale_cls != Major: return "{0}('{1}', scale_cls={2})".format(type(self).__name__, str(self), self.scale_cls.__name__) else: return "{0}('{1}')".format(type(self).__name__, str(self)) def __call__(self, progression): """ From an instantiated class call the from_string() method directly """ return self.from_string(progression) def _get_chord(self, lookup, extension='', accidental=None): """ Get chord for progression from a lookup index number. The extension helps determine the format. """ note = self.scale.notes[lookup] if accidental == SIGN_FLAT: note.set_diminish() elif accidental == SIGN_SHARP: note.set_augment() ch_str = '{0}{1}'.format(note.generalize(), extension) return Chord(ch_str)
[docs] def standard_triads(self): prog_list = ['I', 'ii', 'iii', 'IV', 'V', 'vi', 'vii'] return self.from_list(prog_list, as_map=True)
[docs] def standard_sevenths(self): prog_list = ['I7', 'ii7', 'iii7', 'IV7', 'V7', 'vi7', 'vii7'] return self.from_list(prog_list, as_map=True)
[docs] def all_progressions(self): p_types = ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII'] extensions = ['', '7'] progressions = {} for p in p_types: for ext in extensions: prog_str = '{0}{1}'.format(p, ext) progressions[prog_str] = self.from_string(prog_str) prog_str = prog_str.lower() progressions[prog_str] = self.from_string(prog_str) return progressions
[docs] def from_string(self, progression): """ Take a string representation of a progression and return the chord that it represents. """ m = PROG_MATCHER.match(progression) if not m: msg = "Progression '{0}' not recognized".format(progression) raise Exception(msg) accidental, prog, extension = m.groups() index = PROG_LOOKUP[prog.upper()] ch_type = '' if not extension: if prog in ['VII', 'vii']: ch_type = 'dim' elif prog.isupper(): ch_type = 'M' elif prog.islower(): ch_type = 'm' else: if prog.islower(): ch_type = 'm' ch_str = '{0}{1}'.format(ch_type, extension) return self._get_chord(index, ch_str, accidental=accidental)
[docs] def from_list(self, prog_list, as_map=False): """ Take a list of progressions and return the list of chords. Setting `as_map` to True will return the progressions as a dictionary where the keys are the progressions passed in and the values are the chords. """ if as_map: return dict(zip(prog_list, self.from_list(prog_list))) return [self.from_string(prog) for prog in prog_list]